

Popular Manga shops in Shibuya.

Shibuya, known for its vibrant culture and bustling streets, is a treasure trove for manga enthusiasts. Here are some of...

Discover Tokyo’s Manga Workshops

Tokyo, the vibrant heart of Japan, is not just a city; it's a cultural hub where artistic expressions thrive. If you've ...

Discover an Unforgettable Manga Experience in Tokyo with Aloha Manga

Tokyo, Japan's bustling capital, is a city where tradition blends seamlessly with the modern world. It's not only a cult...

Manga Drawing in Tokyo

Tokyo, a bustling metropolis that seamlessly marries tradition with modernity, stands as a vibrant hub for the arts and ...

Tools for Drawing Manga|Manga learning

When you're trying to draw Manga with professional tools, you'll encounter a range of paper types, inks, and a lot of ot...