Trial Manga lesson will be held on 2023/8/26 21:00 in Japan time via google meet!
Online Manga Lesson Trial Session
- Free for everyone.
- August 26th (Sat) from 9pm to 10pm Japan time.
- It will be held at Google meet.
- It will be conducted in English.
- The instructor is Utsumi-Sensei who is a professional Manga artist.
- We will introduce Japanese Manga techniques to everyone.
Answer the questionnaire below and you will receive the URL of the Manga Lesson.
The online manga lesson on the day will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
If the number of participants reaches the limit, you will not be able to participate.
Please note that the event is held in Japan time.

Answer the questionnaire below and you will receive the URL of the Manga Lesson.