Held trial Manga online lesson


We held a online Manga Workshop for free on 26 Aug 2023 !

This workshop was all about sharing the unique techniques of Japanese manga art with a Japanese professional Manga artist.

It was a fun gathering where everyone got to showcase their artwork and have a great time.

What did they experience?

At the workshop, attendees got to dive into the world of manga.

5 people from all over the world joined this workshop eventhough there was a time lag.

Japanese manga artist was there to share their skills and stories.

They could learn traditional stuff like drawing lines, shading, and making characters, as well as modern digital methods that people use for manga nowadays.

And We also did Q&A settion.

Start Your Manga Journey!

Feeling excited to try create manga?

We’ve got something awesome for you!

Our online Manga classes are open for sign-ups.

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to this or already know a bit – our classes cover everything from basics to advanced stuff. Come join us and become a manga creator!

You can take online Managa lesson led by a professional Manga artist from all over the world!
Language: English

With manga getting more popular worldwide, we’re here to help artists get better. Come with us and master the art of manga – sign up for our online classes now!
